Along with my Coursemates, I have been to various parts of the continent such as Japan, China, Vietnam, Malaysia and Indonesia. Most of these trips were business related. We visited Nissan, Honda, Real estate companies, cultural museums etc. These trips were rather informative and i learnt about the people and their culture/ beliefs.
However there was one particular trip that was important to me. IDARE camp. This camp was held in Bintan. Only selected students from the school of BA were allowed to go. I was one of the lucky few. The objective of this camp was to become less fearless and to grow leadership qualities. And so did I. After this camp I was generally more able to control a crowd or a big group. I was less shy and felt at ease when I lead my group during the camp.
Moreover, the activities that were planned had to be done together as team. My team Heroes and I were very good working together. We helped each other along the way and in the end we were one of the best groups in the Camp.
We were involved in many outdoor activities such as Rock Climbing, All- terrain vehicle driving, Jet skiing, Height challenge games etc. We had a blast. People like me who used to be afraid of heights were encouraged to participate in all games. Thus we ended up overcoming our fears and completing all challenges successfully.